Most affordable Aqiqah & Tahnik in Singapore

Most affordable Aqiqah & Tahnik in Singapore

Alhamdulillah since 2020 we have been serving the community. Our tahnik and aqiqah service in Singapore are available daily. Daily slots available for tahnik.
Tahnik includes equipment, tahliq (cukur rambut) and weighing of hair. In house service at your comfort home!
Aqiqah at $160 per goat. Our package (Aqiqah & Tahnik) is at $270 (girl) and $420 (boy). Nett price!
We provide the most affordable aqiqah, tahnik & tahlik package in SG Singapore. Trust and efficient, we make things easy for parents. Seamless process and our services are available daily at no waiting time inshaAllah.
Thank you for all your support ❤️
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